Dryer Electric
Fiche Location Invalid Model See IP80000
Manufacturer Whirlpool (1911 - present)

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2004 IP80000 - Designer White
8066065 | Belt | Belt | Google Image Search
341241 | Belt | Drive Belt | Google Image Search
W10131364 | Belt, Drive | Belt | Google Image Search
LB276 | Belt (Supco) | Belt | Google Image Search
00341241 | Belt | Belt | Google Image Search
660996 | Belt, Drive | Belt | Google Image Search
660997 | Belt | Belt | Google Image Search
3399844 | Belt | Belt | Google Image Search
3403585 | Element Heater | Heater | Google Image Search
279838 | Heater Assembly | Heating Element Assembly, 5400W | Google Image Search
DE838 | Element (Supco) | DRYER ELEMENT 279838 | Google Image Search
DE838C | Coil Kit (Supco) | RESTRING KIT 279838 | Google Image Search
3398064 | Element | Heater | Google Image Search
8565582 | Element | Heater | Google Image Search
3398063 | Heater Assembly | Heater | Google Image Search
W10724237 | Heater | Heater | Google Image Search
3406104 | Switch, Door | Door Switch | Google Image Search
DE6105 | Switch, Door (Supco) | Door Switch | Google Image Search
WP3406105 | Switch, Door | Door Switch | Google Image Search
3406105 | Switch Door | Door Switch | Google Image Search

** Inglis Parts Functional Warranty : 90 DAYS | Concealed Damages Covered : 90 DAYS