Washing Machine Top-Load
Manufacturer Maytag (1893 - 2005 -> Whirlpool)

Similar models : PAV2300AWW SER 18, PAV2300AWW SER 10,

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Compatible Parts : Show | Similar models : Show
Sort by : Part Number | Part Name | Part Type

21352320 | Belt | Belt
Drive | Google Image Search

21001060 | Hose, Water Level | Water Level Switch Hose
Uncategorized | Google Image Search

25-7948 | Screw | Agitator Screw
Uncategorized | Google Image Search

21001554 | Switch, Water Level | Water Level Switch
Uncategorized | Google Image Search

** Maytag Parts Functional Warranty : 90 DAYS | Concealed Damages Covered : 90 DAYS